Here in Oregon, we had snow for the 1st couple of days of spring. It hung around for a few days and the roads were a slushy mess; but it is always amazing how the white, pristine blanket of white makes everything look so beautiful. My poor camellia bush wasn't happy with the wet snow and bended under the weight. It was still snowing and added a couple more inches after this picture. It looks a little sad now, but other things are popping up to welcome the spring season.
Sandy at Quill Cottage had a challenge in January "If the Shoe Doesn't Fit...Go Barefoot Art Challenge". You can read about it HERE on her blog post. I decided to join in the fun, since I've never done anything like it before. Here is my post about what I made HERE. It was out of my usual realm of crafting, but I enjoyed creating it. Dear Miss Sandy gave everyone gifts for entering...isn't she the sweetest?! I received my package of goodies and loved each layer of eye candy Sandy put together for me. I took pictures as I opened each tiny package inside the envelope. I love any thing miniature, so this was such a treat to receive. I will love creating with the many elements and I absolutely adore the gorgeous tag. So here is all the treats for you to savor also...
Isn't everything just scrumptious? Thanks again to Sandy for such wonderful gifts which made my week when I received them. My sister ~in~love was here and she enjoyed exploring all the goodies every bit as much as I did! Have a wonderful week everyone!!
I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. I have had so many wonderful, sweet emails and comments about the loss of our twin grand~daughters last month. I have even had some gifts given to me and I really wanted to share them with you.
First, I received a Valentine gift from Sonya at Counting My Blessings. She left it on my doorstep shortly after our heartbreaking news. I ended up meeting Sonya last summer, after we moved to Lebanon when we discovered we were neighbors!! We had been leaving messages on each others blog for many months. She has since moved, but we email frequently and just had pie together the other day to catch up. Sonya is a wonderful friend and I am blessed to know her. I am using this cup every day and it is the perfect size for our Keurig. There was some chocolate hearts inside, but they were munched up pretty quickly! I also collect bears so he will be happy to join my other cubs!
Next, is a beautiful card made for me and my family by Tracy Suzanne at Cotton Pickin Cute. She talks about the meaning behind all the things she lovingly placed and made for the card HERE. I can't tell you how much it means to me and I will cherish it forever. I have a special book I am going to put it in soon, with other special things. For now, it sits on my faux mantle in my living room. It is prettier in person, and just perfect. She is a special lady...
Last, but not least, I received this gorgeous watercolor hanging from Laurie at Laurie''s Charming Designs. I was blown away when I got the mail that day, recognizing her signature special writing on the envelope. Inside was this special gift she had made me with two sides, each uniquely done with touches that Laurie is so fabulously wonderful at doing with textures that make it stand out. She included a water-colored tag too. My photography can't capture all the beauty. I have purchased three things from her and each is beautiful. I love Laurie's painting style & she is so talented.
Please go visit each of these lovely ladies, if you don't know them already. I wish I could express how much each gift has meant to me. They symbolize hope and memories that I will always cherish.
Green just happens to be a favorite color of mine. I grew up in a family that celebrated St. Patrick's Day with green cookies that my mother had made to look like shamrocks. I did the same for our kids. It was my great~grandmother's birthday, which was my mother's favorite grandmother growing up. She died when my mother was young, but left a lasting impression on her, which she shared with us kids each year. I still think about my mother's excitement for this holiday fondly.
I found this picture I took two summers ago at Silver Creek Falls in Oregon and thought it would make a great pic for today... Just imagine standing on that bridge and throwing a penny into the beautiful sparkling water below...close your eyes and make a wish!
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Blessings, Cindy I'm linking to: Pink Saturday
is in the air with daffodils blooming among the snow this morning. I
didn't get a picture, but it was beautiful. I must admit that it made
me realize how much I don't miss the snow in Central Oregon!! I have
mixed feelings about spring coming since our little twin grand~daughters
were due to arrive towards the end of April. But I also know that we
have to face all the days ahead with promise that Our God will bring new
life and healing to our family. I have learned so much during this
difficult journey and am so thankful to have love and faith to get me
through. There are always lessons to learn and unfortunately, our most
painful times in life see the most growth in who we are and what kind of
person we become. I know that I have grown and changed for the
better. I do believe that we are meant to continue to develop
throughout our life and learn along the way. Just because we grow older
doesn't mean we can't discover new things about
ourselves, things that we could never imagine. For me, that is knowing that I am so
much stronger than I ever thought I could be and that I can be even
closer to my loved ones. My capacity to love has deepened and made me
reflect on what is important in this world. I love two little angels in
heaven more than my mind can grasp. My heart aches to hold them and
see them grow up. As much as I ache, I know that my pain is far less
than the pain of our son and daughter~in~love. They have handled
everything with grace and deep love for their girls. I am beyond words
of how proud I am of them. Spring is a time of growth and new life seen in the budding trees, the bulbs pushing through the soil to blossom in the sun... and even in the snow... and in our hearts as healing begins. We will never forget our precious little Emma Mae and Myla Grace...