
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Well things have changed, but I'm still thankful!

My last post was about how I was going to put stuff on Etsy... well that has changed.  I decided to do another show in a small town, Madras, about 30 minutes away.  I got asked by a very wonderful crafter that I respect to be in their show.  It is "Angels in the Attic"...isn't that cute!  Anyway the show is December 2nd, 3rd, & 4th.  All I need to do is drop off my tagged items & they do all the other work.  Hmmm that sounds good after all the work I did on the last show!  ;-)  So I finished a few things I didn't get done for Snowflake Boutique and am tagging again with the new shows tags.  But that isn't all...

We are moving!  My husband has gotten a job at the town we lived in previously to living here in Redmond.  We will be moving closer to our eldest son & his wife and away from our daughter, and other son & his wife.  Of course, I would love them to move too... spoken like a true mother, I know!  But God can work on that for me, right??  Why does life have to be so hard sometimes?  We are leaving many friends here sad and going back to some very happy friends in the valley.   There will be a lot to do getting the house ready for sale... I know... the middle of winter.  But it will work out; I have faith.  That doesn't mean it will be easy.  I hate the in-between part of only seeing my husband on the weekends he can come home and this time I will be alone.  When we moved here I had kids still at home.  I am really thankful to have our little dog to protect me... I'm not sure how that would work!!  My hubby leaves December 5th to start work & has a place to stay which was is a big blessing.

So this Thanksgiving it will be my husband and I having a ham dinner  (easier than turkey) for the final time in our home of nine years.  I want to cry at the thought.  But I know that life goes on and I loved living in the valley closer to our beloved coast and many more wonderful craft stores, not to mention our son and his lovely wife.  I cried when we left them when we moved here... what irony.  I know I won't miss all the snow & ice here in Central Oregon.  I get to go back to RAIN!!  LOL!! 

Time to pack, declutter, depersonalize our home, and sell it to another family that will hopefully enjoy it as much as we have.  I do have excitement about another place to decorate!  We are selling a lot of our furniture so the possibilities are endless!!  I will keep you updated on this journey...

May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and be thankful for everything... even unexpected surprises.


1 comment:

42nd Blackwatch said...

Thanks for thhis blog post