I have been busy glittering forests of trees in my studio! I love experimenting with different colors of dye and glitter. My search over the summer for vintage ornaments and glass garland was successful, in part, to my wonderful hubby. He found me lots of vintage goodies at Friday estate sales when I was at work. I would come home to the pretty little surprises sitting on the dining room table...lovely! I have all the colors of the rainbow & more...

Here are some pics of some of the trees I have this year so far...
I also have red ones, purple/lavender, and creamy white ones I am still working on. I will share them next time. Don't you love the box the trees are on?? I got it at Goodwill for $2.99, along with a smaller one for the same price. They are Bethany Lowe designs. I have some trees already listed on Etsy with more to come...
What are your holiday plans? We will have Thanksgiving at our son & daughter~in~love's home with about 20 family & friends. I am really looking forward to it. I am getting my Christmas list figured out so I can send gifts home with family instead of mailing. I still can't believe how this year has flown by. Is it just me or do you feel the same way? Have a wonderful rest of your week. I do apologize for my lack of keeping up with blog hopping. I just don't have the time anymore & I do miss visiting. Pop in and say "hello" & I will stop by your blog! It keeps me in touch with you & I sooo enjoy your comments.
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