I have been in a fog since our little twin grand~daughters were stillborn on February 4th. I have sooo appreciated all the wonderful thoughts and prayers from each of you. I cherish each comment of sympathy. I can truly say that this has been the hardest thing to go through in my life. I can only be there for our son & daughter~in~love for their pain is deeper than mine as the parents of the two little angels. God has been with us and is carrying us through each day. What do people do when they don't have Jesus in their lives in moments like these? I have done more than I thought I could handle, but only by the grace of God. I am forever changed. I don't say that lightly. I will forever have two grand~daughters that are in heaven, our first grand~children. I can still feel their soft little foreheads as I kissed them gently. I will miss them until I see them again. Thank God, I will see them again... Blessings, Cindy
Happy Valentine's Day! Due to the loss of our grand~babies, I won't do my usual fancy dinner. In past years I make a really nice dinner, with candlelight and gifts. This year I made a card and I think my dear hubby will love it. I wrote a poem for the inside and I won't share that... ;-). But I am sharing the front.
My sister~in~love is coming today to spend a couple of days. I'm so excited to see her. The service for the girls is this Saturday. My son and daughter~in~love have all the plans set for a very special time. Thank you so much for all the prayers and thoughts. We feel every one and know that Jesus is carrying us through this difficult time. We also know that our precious Emma & Myla are safe in His Arms.
It is with much sorrow that I post this. Our tiny baby twin grand~daughters passed away on Friday. They were 26 weeks along and our son, Josh, and daughter~in~love, Jamie, showed such strength, love, and compassion while dealing with such a horrendous heartache during the delivery and time with these two precious baby girls. I cannot express how totally grieved we are and blessed to hold them and love them, knowing that they were already in Jesus's Loving Arms. They were taken by the condition, "twin to twin transfusion". I will not go into it here, but you can google it if you choose. I am not sure yet how many details I will share on this blog, but I would appreciate any prayers for our family. I will not be posting for a short while, but know that I appreciate all of you. I thank God for the many friends I have made through this blog. I know that many of you will be praying and I thank you in advance. I will answer comments as I can.
I have been sharing about winning the Shabby Cottage Shop's "Pink Present Giveaway". I received another package with several goodies in it from Rhonda's Rose Cottage Designs. The box was full of sweet little treats, not to eat, but to drool over! I got several gorgeous faux cakes and candies, two beautiful handmade paper roses on a clip all glittered up, and a tiny pink shoe ornament. It was so fun to open. Rhonda has an online shop, blog, and facebook page, all accessible from the main webpage.
Don't these look good enough to eat?? They are so pretty! Thanks again to Rhonda!
I have some hand~painted chalkboards which I painted with roses on two and bird nests & eggs on the other two.
There is also one that is just the chalkboard on a beautiful silver~plated tray, without decorative painting.
Then I also have the bowl filler hearts that are all bagged with potpourri & a handmade tag. I shared 3 of them recently. I have 3 sets of them, all different.
These just went into my Etsy shop and I have some vintage linens that I will be adding soon plus some framed collages. Lots of work, so little time!! I'm going to be having a giveaway soon, but can't decide what I want to give away!! Any suggestions? Do you like supplies, hand made items, a combination, a gift certificate to my Etsy shop, or.....???? I would appreciate any input!! Have a wonderful rest of your week.